Daylesford Academy

Archived News


The school will be closed today due to adverse weather conditions.  We will re-open tomorrow.  All pupils will be taught remotely.


The Government have decided to reinstate the voucher system for Free School Meals as from Monday 18 January 2021.  All eligible parents/carers will be contacted and asked to update their email details.


Following the Government announcement Summerfield Education Centre will be open to all pupils as from 6th January 2021.  Parents/Carers will be contacted on 5th January 2021 to confirm arrangements.


In response to the challenges the pandemic is causing for many families, Solihull Council is extending its support to families over the Christmas and new year period.

This is intended to provide additional help and support to households with food, utility bills and other essentials up to the end of March 2021.

Call Solihull Connect on 0121 704 8100, for information and advice on how to access local community support, food or financial assistance. Solihull Connect can also refer and connect families to local food networks, as well as to the Council’s Discretionary Crisis Fund (DCF). The DCF can provide financial and fuel assistance to any household experiencing severe financial hardship. This includes access to food, fuel top-ups and, if needed, essential white goods.

For more information, please contact Solihull Connect on

0121 704 8100.


Dear parent/carer

Vouchers for families in receipt of free school meals over Christmas

As part of the additional help and support to households during the winter phase of Covid-19, Solihull Council will be providing food support to families of children in receipt of free school meals this Christmas, through the provision of supermarket e-gift cards.  The eligibility is based on means tested income grounds, not the universal free meal for KS1 pupils.

If you meet the free school meals benefits criteria, you will receive an e-code via email that you will convert into an e-gift card for your chosen supermarket to the value of £3.00 per week day, therefore £30.00 over the Christmas holiday period, per child. The e-gift cards will be supplied by Edenred and can be used to pay for food, personal hygiene and cleaning products, as well as other household essentials. They can’t be used for items which are restricted to over 18s, such as alcohol.  

 You will receive the e-code via email from Edenred by the end of the school term.

Click here to find out how to obtain and use the voucher here

If you have any queries, in the first instance please visit or call Solihull Connect general enquiries on 0121 704 8100.


A change to the self-isolation period from 14 to 10 days has been announced

This means that pupils will return to school on Tuesday 15 December and Wednesday 16 December.  Thursday 17 December is Parent/Carer Consultation Day and Friday 18 December is Staff Inset Day.

We look forward to welcoming pupils back.


Dear parent/carer, unfortunately we have had a positive confirmed case of Covid 19 in the school, therefore, we will be moving to our Remote Learning timetable.  Your child’s first session will take place on Monday afternoon 7th December 1pm to 2pm.  All following sessions will be 10am to 11am and 1pm to 2pm with a follow up by a member of staff.

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Parent/Carer Consultation Day – 17th December 2020

This year due to Covid 19 our Parent/Carer Consultation Day will take place remotely, this means we will make an appointment with you for the meeting to take place either by phone or Teams with a member of Staff.  An Interim Report will be sent to you prior to the meeting so you can see your child’s progress.

Mock Exam Week

This week our Year 11 pupils will be sitting their mock exams after what has been a turbulent year so far – Good Luck to all of you!


Thursday 12 November

Staff and pupils have done a fabulous job contributing to our British Values Day!

Pupils learnt about the First and Second World War and the influence these historical events had on British Society.


If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties please read the information below:

Solihull  Council’s Here2Help pages have information on how to access a range of support. This includes access to financial support or help with access to food.

They work closely with a number of local foodbanks in Solihull who are happy to support anyone in need.

The council’s call centre can help connect you to local community and neighbourhood support or refer you to a local food bank – just call 0121 704 6000.

Support is also available from The Around Again Social Supermarket in Fordbridge and from Age UK who can do shopping for elderly people with a medical condition or special cultural dietary need.

For more information on all of the support available you can ring Solihull Connect on 0121 704 6000 or go to our Here2Help [link] on the council’s website.

Help Out When Schools Out

Please explore the Website Help Out When Schools Out for details on how to access food supplies.


Please note that the Inset Day planned for Friday 23rd October is now cancelled.  Pupils are to continue with their remote learning on that day.  Inset Day has been rescheduled for Friday 13th November 2020.

COVID 19 UPDDATE 13/10/20

Due to a positive Covid 19 case, we have liaised with Public Health England who have instructed pupils and staff to self-isolate for 14 days up to 23 October 2020.  We will return to school following the half-term break on Monday 2 November 2020.

A personalised timetable  for your child will be sent to you for their Microsoft Teams lessons.  If your child does not have access to a device a work pack has been sent to you.  This work will be followed up each day by a member of the Support Team either via Teams or a phone call.  Please ensure your child is keeping up to date with their learning.

Thank you for your support.


In recognition of World Mental Health Day, Summerfield took part in the ‘tenforten’.  Students and staff shared ten minutes together during the day to talk about all the positives in life #itsgoodtotalk@WMHDay