Daylesford Academy

Behaviour and Inclusion

Daylesford Academy is a caring school where staff understand the difficulties the pupils have accessing education. Pupils are encouraged to believe in their abilities to overcome their barriers to learning. The Pupils are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy and confident learners and with parents and carers support, staff are working together to ensure they achieve academically, socially and emotionally.

We are a ‘Restorative’ School. Through the use of ‘Restorative Practice’ it enables those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right.

Restorative practice is based on the idea that the best way to help someone who has done wrong is to give them the opportunity to put things right.

At its most basic, restorative practices improve the quality of relationships we have. Using this approach can both avoid and minimise conflict, and help us to manage it better when it does arise. More specifically, restorative practices have been found to reduce school exclusions, improve staff sickness rates, reduce tensions in the workplace, and give people greater confidence in managing difficult situations.

Daylesford Academy has developed its behaviour  management strategies around the use of RJ. Staff will use conversation and conferencing to deal with conflict.

Conversations are framed using the following questions:

The School has a dedicated team of both Teaching and Pastoral Staff, that work hard to reach high standards in everything we do.

The Pupil Progress Manager (Behaviour and Inclusion) and Pastoral team are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Academic and Restorative Centre (ARC)  and students daily pastoral care and wellbeing across the school. We pride ourselves on ensuring all pupils are supported daily to ensure they are ‘ready to learn’.  Pastoral Managers provide daily support and provision for students within school to ensure they have support from the moment they arrive until the end of the day. The team offers a range of interventions throughout the school, as well as more specialised support in the ARC.

Pastoral Interventions include:

  • Time out cards
  • Pastoral Manager/Teaching Assistant support in the classroom
  • Pupil Profiles
  • Restorative meetings
  • Transport and Home Visits (supporting our attendance)
  • 121 Intervention lessons
  • Reasonable adjustments to student’s timetables
  • Individualised and bespoke timetables
  • External agencies delivering in house programs engaging students through sport art and life skill activities
  • Personalised learning programmes
  • Supporting alternative qualifications and Work Related Learning
  • Support in classrooms
  • Parent Engagement group
  • School Council