Daylesford Academy

Emotion Coaching

It is clear that we all, parents, school staff and children, experience moments  in our lives when controlling our emotions becomes about as easy as walking very slow with bare feet on burning embers!  So the idea of teaching our children greater emotional self-regulation can only be possible if we, as parents, carers and school staff, are first doing it ourselves’.  Rohail Aslam ACTOV Change CIC

Better equipped to face life’s challenges, because their physiology that deals with their emotions is more developed, findings have shown that children who understand their own feelings more and are taught about their emotions have these advantages:

  • they form stronger friendships with other children and adults;
  • they are able to calm themselves down more quickly when they become heightened;
  • they usually do better in school;
  • they are able to handle their moods better and have fewer negative emotions;
  • they actually get sick less often because their immune system is working more efficiently;
  • they are able to show much more empathy to others.

Quotes from parents and school staff:

  • “Before this training, I really struggled with how to respond to pupils who were upset or abusive.  Now I’m able to stay much calmer and have more empathy for them.”
  • “Suddenly the whole staff team have got something that they are working towards together and it’s creating a consistency across the whole school.  More importantly, the pupils have begun to calm down too.  When we are not judgmental, it stops their anger in it’s tracks.”
  • “Since the training I’m much more able to stay calm and I’m feeling like my child is coming closer to me too.”
  • “It was a real eye opener to learn the science behind our emotions.  I now understand how directly my emotional state affects my health.”

There might be more soundbytes you could take from the website too: